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In Laws

Written by Super User on . Posted in Home Page



1.) Know that when you marry a person you marry their background, families, current situation, finances, health and a host of other things.

2.) Your in-laws are closely related to your spouse.  They are his/her parents or guardians.

3.) The Bible admonishes the spouse to honor his/her parents or parent figures.  Regardless of temperament, tribe, nationality etc.

Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

-Ephesians 6:2-3

4.) Your in-laws are like adopted parents to you.

5.) You must believe God to love them unconditionally as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 even when you think they don’t like you.

6.) No spouse should make the home of his/her parents their real home. The Bible admonishes the couple to leave their native homes and cleave to each other.

7.) Try not to discriminate between parents as to care, upkeep, finances etc.

8.) Recognize the reality that not all sets of parents have the same needs, so do not try to make their needs identical.  For example, one parent may need remittances but the other may need to be remembered only on birthdays.

9.) Do not complain about your spouse to your parents. They are likely to be biased against him/her.  Let love cover the multitude of your partner’s faults and seek pastoral counsel when you need help. Read the best books on marriage counseling.

10.) Be yourself with your in-laws as long as it does not breed offense. 

The subject of Family Dynamics covers a wide range of topics which include but are not limited to: Adoption (Advantages of Adoption, Challenges of Adoption, How to Flow in Adoption), The Step-Home, In-Laws, and the Loss of A Spouse.  A Healthy Family must understand all the aspects of Family Dynamics. 




Sex and Intimacy

Written by Super User on . Posted in Home Page


Sex is beautiful, sex is holy in that God talks about sex.  The Bible has a lot to say about sex. Sex was created by God and not by the devil. Sex has been so misused and perverted by the devil and the world that, the impression has been created that sex is ugly and sinful. On the contrary, sex is God’s wonderful creation.  When practiced within the confines of God’s will, sex can only lead to more joy and peace in the marriage.

According to Jewish Rabbinical scholars when a husband and wife is engaged in the sexual act, the Lord is present in their midst. He places His right hand on the man and His left hand on the woman. He blesses them to be fruitful. From that blessing issues child, that is why it is written that “The fruit of the womb is His reward.” They also believe the Shekinah Glory of the Lord also rests upon them, and the tremendous energy between them can lead them very high to great levels of holiness and love. They further mention that when sex is done for the sake of heaven, there is nothing as holy and pure as it is. Also, there is no act of flesh and blood that compares with it, when done with pure intention and a pure and clean mind.

As such sexual intercourse can be very pleasurable and enjoyable to both men and women. However, it is an art that must be learnt and developed. Sex is not about scoring 10 out of 10 for your performance, it is about having fun with your partner and showing care. So couples should relax and be prepared to learn about a new world.

To achieve this, you should first have a loving and comfortable relationship.  In an atmosphere of love  and  trust,  you  are  free  to  shed  all  inhibitions  and  open  up  completely  to  your  partner emotionally.

Sex enhances the love between the husband and the wife. It brings couples close together. Most hard feelings melt during and after sex.

Why commit fornication when you can commit love?

Regular sex is a privilege for the born-again Christian couple. It is God’s gift to you, from the day you marry till your old age. Make use of this gift


Pre-Marital Sex

One of the problems that plaque couples who indulged in pre-marital sex is that of trust. In order to avoid all the complications that may arise out of this issue, it is important to detest any form of fornication. It is always great to set boundaries during this period. “HOW FAR IS TOO FAR?”



  • Avoid hugging, holding and kissing.
  • Don’t sit on his lap.
  • Don’t stay indoors alone with your beloved for long periods.
  • Don’t be alone in isolated places at odd hours.
  • Don’t put your hands under the skirt or through the flap.
  • Don’t sleep/lie on the same bed with your beloved.
  • Don’t undress in the presence of your beloved.
  • Don’t fondle the breasts, vagina and penis.
  • Don’t have sex with your beloved (that is fornication)!

Extract from Model Marriage by Dag Heward- Mills ( One of the best books on marriage)