The Widgetkit Slideshow is the ultimate image and content slideshow for Joomla and WordPress. It's flexible, easy to customize and completely build with HTML5 and CSS3.
- Clean and very lightweight code
- 17 eye-catching transition effects
- Uses hardware accelerated CSS3 animations
- JavaScript animation fallback for all Internet Explorers
- Support for HTML captions
- Swipe navigation on mobile phones
- Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
- Works with Joomla and WordPress
Slideshow Screen Example
This is an image slideshow with the famous Ken Burns effect.
- What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder - Mark 10:9
- Wisdom is the key to success. Counseling imparts the needed wisdom that couples need in marriage...
- In Ecclesiastes 10:10, the Bible says, “But Wisdom helps him to succeed."
- And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him - Genesis 2:18
Slideshow Default Example
This is an image slideshow with eye-catching transition effects.
- Agape Love is willingness to accept the other person for who he/she is without expecting a change into “the ideal spouse” in shape, form, size, or intellect. This means that even if your spouse never reduces/increases in size or becomes better at any other area; you are still prepared to walk in love.
- “Agape” love is sacrificial and therefore will go the extra mile to give time, attention, gifts etc. It is unconditional. It does not love on condition that the other partner is well-behaved. That is, the husband does not say that, “I will love her if she submits to me.” Nor should the wife say that, “I will love and submit to him if only he can be a bit more loving according to the Bible.”
- The “agape” kind of love trusts (“... believeth all things”) and therefore is not suspicious of the other spouse’s every move and associations. Your love must move you to a position of trust so that you do not relate to your spouse with suspicion; questioning motives and prejudging his/her actions especially in relation to the opposite sex.
- Agape is normally described as the God-Kind of love which says, “I love you in spite of this issue”.
- There are three types of love that must be practiced in marriage. All three types are important for a happy marriage:
1. Agape
2. Phileo
3. Eros
Showcase Box Example
This a content showcase using all the features from the Slideset widget as navigation. Any kind of HTML content can be used in the navigation.
Could not load widget with the id 37.
Showcase Button Example
This is an image slideshow with some nice navigation buttons. You can place any kind of HTML in the navigation buttons.
Could not load widget with the id 41.
Tabs Example
This is a classic, tabbed slideshow. Tabs can be aligned to the left, right and center.
Could not load widget with the id 35.
Tabs Bar Example
This is a slideshow with a tabbed navigation bar. Tabs can be aligned to the left, right and center.
Could not load widget with the id 34.
List Example
This is a slideshow with a vertical tabbed list as navigation.
Could not load widget with the id 36.
How To Use
The Widgetkit Slideshow takes full advantage of the very user-friendly Widgetkit administration user interface. It has never been easier to create and manage all the slideshows and their different slides in one place. After you created a slideshow you can load it anywhere in your theme using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.